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    Scholarships funded by Intel for Engineering Technology Majors

    Apply for a special scholarship for Engineering Technology Majors

    If you have a high school Grade Point Average of at least 2.5 and an ACT score of at least 18, and you plan on majoring in one of the degrees listed below, you may qualify for one of our special scholarships supported by Intel funding. The average award is $3,000, with some lesser and higher awards based on need and other SSU scholarships awarded. Up to $500 may be refunded to recipients, after tuition is paid.

    Qualifying Majors:

    • Electromechanical Engineering Technology (associates)
    • CAD Manufacturing (associates)
    • Plastics Engineering Technology (bachelors)

    An application to attend Shawnee State University is required for scholarship consideration. If you have not yet completed your application, apply now:


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